Traveler Guitar - Travel Instruments

Products from Traveler Guitar - Travel Instruments

Since 1992, Traveler Guitar has been the leading innovator in the design and manufacture of travel guitars. Listening closely to the needs of players, the company from Redlands, California provides high-quality, portable solutions for mobile musicians that easily fit even into the handluggage bin of airplanes. From their original full-scale Pro-Series, through models inspired by familiar bass and guitar classics, to the revolutionary Acoustic Series – instruments by Traveler Guitar have extensively traveled the world and even reached far out places such as submarines or the peak of Mount Everest.
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52 products in category
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Traveler Guitar Spare Parts - Replacement Bridge for Ultra-Light Electric Series
Traveler Guitar Spare Parts - Replacement Bridge for Ultra-Light Electric Series Product nr.: SP TR BRIDGE UEL
Delivery time: 3 days ** 0,11 kg
Traveler Guitar - Deluxe Gig Bag - Acoustic Guitar (RD and AG Series)
Traveler Guitar - Deluxe Gig Bag - Acoustic Guitar (RD and AG Series) Product nr.: SP TR GIG BAG ACOU
Available in 8 weeks 1,50 kg 15,00 kg
Traveler Guitar - Deluxe Gig Bag - Electric Bass (TB-4P, Escape Mark II)
Traveler Guitar - Deluxe Gig Bag - Electric Bass (TB-4P, Escape Mark II) Product nr.: SP TR GIG BAG BASS
Delivery time: 3 days ** 1,00 kg 15,00 kg
Traveler Guitar - Deluxe Gig Bag - Acoustic / Electric Guitar (EG-1, EG-2, EC-1 and Escape Series)
Traveler Guitar - Deluxe Gig Bag - Acoustic / Electric Guitar (EG-1, EG-2, EC-1 and Escape Series) Product nr.: SP TR GIG BAG EG
Delivery time: 3 days ** 1,50 kg 15,00 kg
Traveler Guitar - Deluxe Gig Bag - Acoustic Guitar (Escape Original)
Traveler Guitar - Deluxe Gig Bag - Acoustic Guitar (Escape Original) Product nr.: SP TR GIG BAG ESC
Delivery time: 3 days ** 1,50 kg 15,00 kg
Traveler Guitar - Deluxe Gig Bag - Electric Bass (Ultra-Light)
Traveler Guitar - Deluxe Gig Bag - Electric Bass (Ultra-Light) Product nr.: SP TR GIG BAG ULBASS
Delivery time: 3 days ** 1,00 kg 15,00 kg
Traveler Guitar - Deluxe Gig Bag - Acoustic / Electric Guitar (Ultra-Light Series)
Traveler Guitar - Deluxe Gig Bag - Acoustic / Electric Guitar (Ultra-Light Series) Product nr.: SP TR GIG BAG ULTRA
Delivery time: 3 days ** 1,00 kg 15,00 kg
Traveler Guitar Spare Parts - Jackplate for Pocket Rock-it (V1) / EG Models
Traveler Guitar Spare Parts - Jackplate for Pocket Rock-it (V1) / EG Models Product nr.: SP TR JACK PLATE
Delivery time: 3 days ** 0,11 kg
Traveler Guitar - Spare Part - Thumbscrew / Strap Button
Traveler Guitar - Spare Part - Thumbscrew / Strap Button Product nr.: SP TR LONG TS
Delivery time: 3 days ** 0,11 kg
Traveler Guitar Spare Parts - Tuning Assembly for AG Series
Traveler Guitar Spare Parts - Tuning Assembly for AG Series Product nr.: SP TR MH ACOUSTIC EQ
Available in 8 weeks 0,11 kg
Traveler Guitar - Spare Part - Piezo Transducer for Escape MK II Nylon
Traveler Guitar - Spare Part - Piezo Transducer for Escape MK II Nylon Product nr.: SP TR MKN NAT PIEZO
Delivery time: 3 days ** 0,11 kg
Traveler Guitar - Spare Part - 6.3 mm Output Jack Socket for Escape MK II Nylon
Traveler Guitar - Spare Part - 6.3 mm Output Jack Socket for Escape MK II Nylon Product nr.: SP TR PT INPT JCK MK
Delivery time: 3 days ** 0,11 kg
Traveler Guitar - Spare Part - Preamp for MKII Bass
Traveler Guitar - Spare Part - Preamp for MKII Bass Product nr.: SP TR PT MKB PRE
Delivery time: 3 days ** 0,05 kg
Traveler Guitar - Spare Part - 1/8" Headphone Output Jack for V2 Models
Traveler Guitar - Spare Part - 1/8" Headphone Output Jack for V2 Models Product nr.: SP TR PT OUTJACK 1/8
Delivery time: 3 days ** 0,11 kg
Traveler Guitar Spare Parts - Metal Roller Rod for In-Body Tuning System
Traveler Guitar Spare Parts - Metal Roller Rod for In-Body Tuning System Product nr.: SP TR PT ROLLER ROD
Delivery time: 3 days ** 0,10 kg
Traveler Guitar - Spare Part - Strat-Style Blade-Pickup for ESC MK II models
Traveler Guitar - Spare Part - Strat-Style Blade-Pickup for ESC MK II models Product nr.: SP TR PU ESC MK II
Delivery time: 3 days ** 0,11 kg