
Shipping & Delivery

We ship with DHL or DHL Express – the shipping method can be selected when completing your order. Please not that not in every country both options are available. The shipping cost is dependent on the weight of the shipment. If the volume weight of a product is higher than it's real weight, the volume weight of the product will be used for calculation. For articles, which are on stock, the estimated delivery time is 1 to 5 working days.

Please regard that DHL shipping is only available to a weight threshold depending on the shipping zone. Heavier packets can only be shipped with DHL-Express.

For deliveries to non-EU countries additional customs, taxes and fees are raised. For further information about customs, please check and explicit for Switzerland;jsessionid=6Gn-3uEIiglofk5Cb2lngJGN48PSFuHV0bPm72aVFtUxBFkjKpLD!2102877981?l=en.

Shipping cost calculation and delivery duration

If the volume weight of a product is higher than it's real weight, it's shipping costs will be calculated based on it's volume weight.

Shipping country
Weight in kg


Shipping costs

to 1,00 kg
to 3,00 kg
to 5,00 kg
to 10,00 kg
to 15,00 kg
to 20,00 kg
to 31,50 kg
to 1,00 kg7,80 €
to 3,00 kg8,80 €
to 5,00 kg10,10 €
to 10,00 kg12,80 €
to 15,00 kg18,90 €
to 20,00 kg18,90 €
to 31,50 kg22,60 €
to 1,00 kg
to 3,00 kg
to 5,00 kg
to 10,00 kg
to 15,00 kg
to 20,00 kg
to 25,00 kg
to 30,00 kg
Zone 01
to 1,00 kg22,40 €
to 3,00 kg24,20 €
to 5,00 kg26,10 €
to 10,00 kg30,70 €
to 15,00 kg35,40 €
to 20,00 kg40,00 €
to 25,00 kg44,60 €
to 30,00 kg50,50 €
Zone 02
to 1,00 kg22,90 €
to 3,00 kg25,10 €
to 5,00 kg27,30 €
to 10,00 kg32,90 €
to 15,00 kg38,40 €
to 20,00 kg43,90 €
to 25,00 kg49,50 €
to 30,00 kg55,00 €
Zone 02c
to 1,00 kg27,60 €
to 3,00 kg29,80 €
to 5,00 kg32,00 €
to 10,00 kg37,60 €
to 15,00 kg43,10 €
to 20,00 kg48,60 €
to 25,00 kg54,20 €
to 30,00 kg59,70 €
Zone 03
to 1,00 kg22,70 €
to 3,00 kg25,50 €
to 5,00 kg28,40 €
to 10,00 kg35,50 €
to 15,00 kg42,70 €
to 20,00 kg49,80 €
to 25,00 kg57,00 €
to 30,00 kg64,10 €
Zone 03c
to 1,00 kg35,70 €
to 3,00 kg41,80 €
to 5,00 kg47,90 €
to 10,00 kg63,00 €
to 15,00 kg78,20 €
to 20,00 kg93,40 €
to 25,00 kg108,50 €
to 30,00 kg123,70 €
Zone 04
to 1,00 kg51,30 €
to 3,00 kg61,00 €
to 5,00 kg70,60 €
to 10,00 kg94,70 €
to 15,00 kg118,80 €
to 20,00 kg142,90 €
to 25,00 kg167,00 €
to 30,00 kg191,10 €
Germany: Germany
Zone 01: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Poland
Zone 02: Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden
Zone 02c: Andorra, San Marino, United Kingdom, Vatican City
Zone 03: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Portugal, Romania
Zone 03c: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Faroe Islands, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia
Zone 04: Georgia, Russia
to 1,00 kg
to 3,00 kg
to 5,00 kg
to 10,00 kg
to 15,00 kg
to 20,00 kg
to 31,50 kg
to 1,00 kg22,20 €
to 3,00 kg22,20 €
to 5,00 kg22,60 €
to 10,00 kg28,60 €
to 15,00 kg34,10 €
to 20,00 kg34,10 €
to 31,50 kg46,00 €
to 1,00 kg
to 3,00 kg
to 5,00 kg
to 10,00 kg
to 15,00 kg
to 20,00 kg
to 25,00 kg
to 30,00 kg
Zone 01b
to 1,00 kg32,40 €
to 3,00 kg36,50 €
to 5,00 kg41,00 €
to 10,00 kg54,30 €
to 15,00 kg69,50 €
to 20,00 kg84,70 €
to 25,00 kg102,00 €
to 30,00 kg119,30 €
Zone 02
to 1,00 kg43,70 €
to 3,00 kg49,00 €
to 5,00 kg55,10 €
to 10,00 kg72,90 €
to 15,00 kg94,20 €
to 20,00 kg115,40 €
to 25,00 kg139,80 €
to 30,00 kg164,20 €
Zone 03b
to 1,00 kg45,90 €
to 3,00 kg51,80 €
to 5,00 kg58,50 €
to 10,00 kg78,10 €
to 15,00 kg101,90 €
to 20,00 kg125,70 €
to 25,00 kg152,40 €
to 30,00 kg179,00 €
Zone 04
to 1,00 kg48,30 €
to 3,00 kg54,80 €
to 5,00 kg62,00 €
to 10,00 kg83,60 €
to 15,00 kg109,50 €
to 20,00 kg135,40 €
to 25,00 kg164,80 €
to 30,00 kg194,30 €
Zone 05b
to 1,00 kg53,00 €
to 3,00 kg59,50 €
to 5,00 kg66,70 €
to 10,00 kg88,30 €
to 15,00 kg115,70 €
to 20,00 kg143,10 €
to 25,00 kg174,40 €
to 30,00 kg205,80 €
Zone 06
to 1,00 kg58,30 €
to 3,00 kg65,40 €
to 5,00 kg73,40 €
to 10,00 kg97,20 €
to 15,00 kg129,40 €
to 20,00 kg161,70 €
to 25,00 kg198,90 €
to 30,00 kg236,10 €
Zone 07
to 1,00 kg62,40 €
to 3,00 kg73,90 €
to 5,00 kg87,50 €
to 10,00 kg127,90 €
to 15,00 kg179,60 €
to 20,00 kg231,20 €
to 25,00 kg290,70 €
to 30,00 kg350,20 €
Zone 08
to 1,00 kg68,80 €
to 3,00 kg83,80 €
to 5,00 kg106,90 €
to 10,00 kg159,60 €
to 15,00 kg221,60 €
to 20,00 kg283,60 €
to 25,00 kg347,70 €
to 30,00 kg411,90 €
Zone 09
to 1,00 kg77,10 €
to 3,00 kg97,50 €
to 5,00 kg136,80 €
to 10,00 kg226,20 €
to 15,00 kg303,70 €
to 20,00 kg381,20 €
to 25,00 kg461,40 €
to 30,00 kg541,60 €
Zone 10
to 1,00 kg86,40 €
to 3,00 kg109,90 €
to 5,00 kg155,10 €
to 10,00 kg257,90 €
to 15,00 kg347,00 €
to 20,00 kg436,30 €
to 25,00 kg528,30 €
to 30,00 kg620,50 €
Germany: Germany
Zone 01b: Liechtenstein
Zone 02: Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France
Zone 03b: Italy, Poland, Spain
Zone 04: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden
Zone 05b: Iceland, Norway
Zone 06: Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Turkey
Zone 07: Canada, Mexico, USA
Zone 08: China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand
Zone 09: Australia, Bahrain, Egypt, Indonesia, Israel, Kuwait, Malaysia, New Zealand, Oman, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, United Arab Emirates
Zone 10: Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cape Verde, Chile, Colombia, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Djibouti, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Eritrea, Fiji, French Guiana, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guam, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, Iran, Jamaica, Lesotho, Macao, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Martinique, Mauritania, Mauritius, Montserrat, Morocco, Nepal, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Seychelles, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam
DHL-Express Germany (from 31.51 kg)
fixed rate
31,51 kg - 70,01 kg
70,01 kg - 300,01 kg
from 300,01 kg
fixed rate46,00 €
31,51 kg - 70 kg2,52 € / kg
70,01 kg - 300 kg2,52 € / kg
from 300,01 kg 2,52 € / kg
Germany: Germany
DHL-Express worldwide (from 30.01 kg)
fixed rate
30,01 kg - 70,01 kg
70,01 kg - 300,01 kg
from 300,01 kg
Zone 01
fixed rate145,70 €
30,01 kg - 70 kg4,80 € / kg
70,01 kg - 300 kg5,30 € / kg
from 300,01 kg 5,90 € / kg
Zone 01b
fixed rate145,70 €
30,01 kg - 70 kg4,80 € / kg
70,01 kg - 300 kg5,30 € / kg
from 300,01 kg 5,90 € / kg
Zone 02
fixed rate164,20 €
30,01 kg - 70 kg5,60 € / kg
70,01 kg - 300 kg6,50 € / kg
from 300,01 kg 7,10 € / kg
Zone 03b
fixed rate179,00 €
30,01 kg - 70 kg6,00 € / kg
70,01 kg - 300 kg6,90 € / kg
from 300,01 kg 7,60 € / kg
Zone 04
fixed rate194,30 €
30,01 kg - 70 kg6,80 € / kg
70,01 kg - 300 kg7,40 € / kg
from 300,01 kg 8,10 € / kg
Zone 05
fixed rate205,80 €
30,01 kg - 70 kg7,20 € / kg
70,01 kg - 300 kg8,00 € / kg
from 300,01 kg 8,80 € / kg
Zone 06
fixed rate236,10 €
30,01 kg - 70 kg8,80 € / kg
70,01 kg - 300 kg9,60 € / kg
from 300,01 kg 10,60 € / kg
Zone 07
fixed rate350,20 €
30,01 kg - 70 kg10,90 € / kg
70,01 kg - 300 kg12,50 € / kg
from 300,01 kg 13,80 € / kg
Zone 08
fixed rate411,90 €
30,01 kg - 70 kg11,80 € / kg
70,01 kg - 300 kg15,60 € / kg
from 300,01 kg 17,90 € / kg
Zone 09
fixed rate541,60 €
30,01 kg - 70 kg14,20 € / kg
70,01 kg - 300 kg18,80 € / kg
from 300,01 kg 21,50 € / kg
Zone 10
fixed rate620,50 €
30,01 kg - 70 kg17,00 € / kg
70,01 kg - 300 kg22,60 € / kg
from 300,01 kg 25,80 € / kg
Zone 01: Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands
Zone 01b: Liechtenstein
Zone 02: Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France
Zone 03b: Italy, Poland, Spain
Zone 04: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden
Zone 05: Iceland, Norway
Zone 06: Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Turkey
Zone 07: Canada, Mexico, USA
Zone 08: China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand
Zone 09: Australia, Bahrain, Egypt, Indonesia, Israel, Kuwait, Malaysia, New Zealand, Oman, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, United Arab Emirates
Zone 10: Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cape Verde, Chile, Colombia, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Djibouti, Dominica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Eritrea, Fiji, French Guiana, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guam, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Haiti, Honduras, Iran, Jamaica, Lesotho, Macao, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Martinique, Mauritania, Mauritius, Montserrat, Morocco, Nepal, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Seychelles, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam
GLS (Switzerland)
to 1,00 kg
to 3,00 kg
to 5,00 kg
to 10,00 kg
to 15,00 kg
to 20,00 kg
to 25,00 kg
to 30,00 kg
to 40,00 kg
Zone 1
to 1,00 kg11,70 €
to 3,00 kg12,70 €
to 5,00 kg13,60 €
to 10,00 kg15,40 €
to 15,00 kg17,90 €
to 20,00 kg20,50 €
to 25,00 kg23,20 €
to 30,00 kg29,10 €
to 40,00 kg49,70 €
Zone 1: Switzerland
to 1,00 kg
to 3,00 kg
to 5,00 kg
to 10,00 kg
to 15,00 kg
to 20,00 kg
to 25,00 kg
to 30,00 kg
to 40,00 kg
to 50,00 kg
to 60,00 kg
to 70,00 kg
Zone 01
to 1,00 kg58,70 €
to 3,00 kg82,10 €
to 5,00 kg99,20 €
to 10,00 kg135,30 €
to 15,00 kg161,60 €
to 20,00 kg187,80 €
to 25,00 kg214,00 €
to 30,00 kg240,20 €
to 40,00 kg308,60 €
to 50,00 kg385,20 €
to 60,00 kg468,40 €
to 70,00 kg551,70 €
Zone 02
to 1,00 kg68,20 €
to 3,00 kg104,70 €
to 5,00 kg135,80 €
to 10,00 kg197,90 €
to 15,00 kg229,00 €
to 20,00 kg260,20 €
to 25,00 kg291,40 €
to 30,00 kg322,60 €
to 40,00 kg408,90 €
to 50,00 kg497,30 €
to 60,00 kg587,50 €
to 70,00 kg677,80 €
Zone 03
to 1,00 kg85,40 €
to 3,00 kg139,00 €
to 5,00 kg176,30 €
to 10,00 kg268,60 €
to 15,00 kg313,20 €
to 20,00 kg357,90 €
to 25,00 kg396,70 €
to 30,00 kg434,80 €
to 40,00 kg511,10 €
to 50,00 kg582,50 €
to 60,00 kg649,90 €
to 70,00 kg717,20 €
Zone 04
to 1,00 kg92,10 €
to 3,00 kg151,30 €
to 5,00 kg196,10 €
to 10,00 kg312,30 €
to 15,00 kg352,90 €
to 20,00 kg393,60 €
to 25,00 kg438,20 €
to 30,00 kg483,40 €
to 40,00 kg573,60 €
to 50,00 kg678,00 €
to 60,00 kg794,10 €
to 70,00 kg910,10 €
Zone 05
to 1,00 kg98,20 €
to 3,00 kg164,00 €
to 5,00 kg221,20 €
to 10,00 kg329,50 €
to 15,00 kg387,00 €
to 20,00 kg444,50 €
to 25,00 kg503,00 €
to 30,00 kg561,50 €
to 40,00 kg678,50 €
to 50,00 kg807,10 €
to 60,00 kg945,00 €
to 70,00 kg1082,90 €
Zone 06
to 1,00 kg68,00 €
to 3,00 kg108,80 €
to 5,00 kg140,00 €
to 10,00 kg211,40 €
to 15,00 kg237,20 €
to 20,00 kg262,90 €
to 25,00 kg288,60 €
to 30,00 kg314,30 €
to 40,00 kg375,70 €
to 50,00 kg448,10 €
to 60,00 kg529,30 €
to 70,00 kg610,60 €
Zone 07
to 1,00 kg58,70 €
to 3,00 kg82,10 €
to 5,00 kg99,20 €
to 10,00 kg135,30 €
to 15,00 kg161,60 €
to 20,00 kg187,80 €
to 25,00 kg214,00 €
to 30,00 kg240,20 €
to 40,00 kg308,60 €
to 50,00 kg385,20 €
to 60,00 kg468,40 €
to 70,00 kg551,70 €
Zone 08
to 1,00 kg25,50 €
to 3,00 kg32,50 €
to 5,00 kg38,60 €
to 10,00 kg53,20 €
to 15,00 kg68,20 €
to 20,00 kg83,20 €
to 25,00 kg98,30 €
to 30,00 kg113,30 €
to 40,00 kg141,20 €
to 50,00 kg169,10 €
to 60,00 kg201,10 €
to 70,00 kg233,10 €
Zone 08b
to 1,00 kg25,50 €
to 3,00 kg32,50 €
to 5,00 kg38,60 €
to 10,00 kg53,20 €
to 15,00 kg68,20 €
to 20,00 kg83,20 €
to 25,00 kg98,30 €
to 30,00 kg113,30 €
to 40,00 kg141,20 €
to 50,00 kg169,10 €
to 60,00 kg201,10 €
to 70,00 kg233,10 €
Zone 09
to 1,00 kg28,00 €
to 3,00 kg37,70 €
to 5,00 kg46,80 €
to 10,00 kg60,30 €
to 15,00 kg77,60 €
to 20,00 kg94,90 €
to 25,00 kg112,10 €
to 30,00 kg129,40 €
to 40,00 kg158,10 €
to 50,00 kg186,80 €
to 60,00 kg219,40 €
to 70,00 kg252,00 €
Zone 09b
to 1,00 kg28,00 €
to 3,00 kg37,70 €
to 5,00 kg46,80 €
to 10,00 kg60,30 €
to 15,00 kg77,60 €
to 20,00 kg94,90 €
to 25,00 kg112,10 €
to 30,00 kg129,40 €
to 40,00 kg158,10 €
to 50,00 kg186,80 €
to 60,00 kg219,40 €
to 70,00 kg252,00 €
Zone 10
to 1,00 kg30,60 €
to 3,00 kg44,30 €
to 5,00 kg54,80 €
to 10,00 kg72,50 €
to 15,00 kg90,60 €
to 20,00 kg108,60 €
to 25,00 kg126,60 €
to 30,00 kg144,60 €
to 40,00 kg174,90 €
to 50,00 kg205,20 €
to 60,00 kg238,90 €
to 70,00 kg272,50 €
Zone 11
to 1,00 kg35,70 €
to 3,00 kg50,40 €
to 5,00 kg62,50 €
to 10,00 kg82,80 €
to 15,00 kg102,80 €
to 20,00 kg122,80 €
to 25,00 kg142,80 €
to 30,00 kg162,80 €
to 40,00 kg196,80 €
to 50,00 kg230,80 €
to 60,00 kg269,00 €
to 70,00 kg307,20 €
Zone 11b
to 1,00 kg35,70 €
to 3,00 kg50,40 €
to 5,00 kg62,50 €
to 10,00 kg82,80 €
to 15,00 kg102,80 €
to 20,00 kg122,80 €
to 25,00 kg142,80 €
to 30,00 kg162,80 €
to 40,00 kg196,80 €
to 50,00 kg230,80 €
to 60,00 kg269,00 €
to 70,00 kg307,20 €
Zone 12
to 1,00 kg58,70 €
to 3,00 kg79,90 €
to 5,00 kg98,10 €
to 10,00 kg126,30 €
to 15,00 kg148,90 €
to 20,00 kg171,30 €
to 25,00 kg193,90 €
to 30,00 kg216,30 €
to 40,00 kg253,40 €
to 50,00 kg290,40 €
to 60,00 kg326,50 €
to 70,00 kg362,50 €
Zone 12b
to 1,00 kg58,70 €
to 3,00 kg79,90 €
to 5,00 kg98,10 €
to 10,00 kg126,30 €
to 15,00 kg148,90 €
to 20,00 kg171,30 €
to 25,00 kg193,90 €
to 30,00 kg216,30 €
to 40,00 kg253,40 €
to 50,00 kg290,40 €
to 60,00 kg326,50 €
to 70,00 kg362,50 €
Zone 13
to 1,00 kg30,60 €
to 3,00 kg44,30 €
to 5,00 kg54,80 €
to 10,00 kg72,50 €
to 15,00 kg90,60 €
to 20,00 kg108,60 €
to 25,00 kg126,60 €
to 30,00 kg144,60 €
to 40,00 kg174,90 €
to 50,00 kg205,20 €
to 60,00 kg238,90 €
to 70,00 kg272,50 €
Zone 14
to 1,00 kg30,60 €
to 3,00 kg44,30 €
to 5,00 kg54,80 €
to 10,00 kg72,50 €
to 15,00 kg90,60 €
to 20,00 kg108,60 €
to 25,00 kg126,60 €
to 30,00 kg144,60 €
to 40,00 kg174,90 €
to 50,00 kg205,20 €
to 60,00 kg238,90 €
to 70,00 kg272,50 €
Zone 01: Canada
Zone 02: Australia, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Macao, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Timor-leste, Vietnam
Zone 03: Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Egypt, India, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Myanmar, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian Territory, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Zone 04: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius en Saba, Brazil, Cayman Islands, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Curacao, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Montserrat, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Saint Kitts And Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Martin, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sint Maarten, South Africa, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, Uruguay, Venezuela, Virgin Islands, British, Virgin Islands, U.S.
Zone 05: Afghanistan, American Samoa, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Congo, The Democratic Republic of the, Cook Islands, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, French Polynesia, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Guam, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Micronesia, Mongolia, Mozambique, Namibia, Nauru, New Caledonia, Niger, Nigeria, Niue Islands, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Reunion, Ruanda, Saipan (Northern Mariana Islands), Samoa, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Zone 06: China
Zone 07: USA
Zone 08: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands
Zone 08b: Faroe Islands, Greenland, Monaco
Zone 09: Finland, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden
Zone 09b: Andorra
Zone 10: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia
Zone 11: Gibraltar, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey
Zone 11b:
Zone 12: Croatia
Zone 12b: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia
Zone 13: Italy, Vatican City
Zone 14: Poland
FedEx from 70.01 kg
70,01 kg - 100,00 kg
from 100,00 kg
Zone 01
70,01 kg - 100 kg6,70 € / kg
from 100,00 kg 6,70 € / kg
Zone 02
70,01 kg - 100 kg8,50 € / kg
from 100,00 kg 8,50 € / kg
Zone 03
70,01 kg - 100 kg9,10 € / kg
from 100,00 kg 9,10 € / kg
Zone 04
70,01 kg - 100 kg11,80 € / kg
from 100,00 kg 11,80 € / kg
Zone 05
70,01 kg - 100 kg14,30 € / kg
from 100,00 kg 14,30 € / kg
Zone 06
70,01 kg - 100 kg7,50 € / kg
from 100,00 kg 7,50 € / kg
Zone 07
70,01 kg - 100 kg6,70 € / kg
from 100,00 kg 6,70 € / kg
Zone 08
70,01 kg - 100 kg2,50 € / kg
from 100,00 kg 2,00 € / kg
Zone 09
70,01 kg - 100 kg2,70 € / kg
from 100,00 kg 2,00 € / kg
Zone 09b
70,01 kg - 100 kg2,70 € / kg
from 100,00 kg 2,00 € / kg
Zone 10
70,01 kg - 100 kg3,00 € / kg
from 100,00 kg 2,20 € / kg
Zone 11
70,01 kg - 100 kg3,60 € / kg
from 100,00 kg 2,80 € / kg
Zone 11b
70,01 kg - 100 kg3,60 € / kg
from 100,00 kg 2,80 € / kg
Zone 12
70,01 kg - 100 kg4,40 € / kg
from 100,00 kg 3,80 € / kg
Zone 12b
70,01 kg - 100 kg4,40 € / kg
from 100,00 kg 3,80 € / kg
Zone 13
70,01 kg - 100 kg3,00 € / kg
from 100,00 kg 2,20 € / kg
Zone 14
70,01 kg - 100 kg3,00 € / kg
from 100,00 kg 2,20 € / kg
Zone 01: Canada
Zone 02: Australia, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Macao, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Timor-leste, Vietnam
Zone 03: Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Egypt, India, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Myanmar, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian Territory, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Zone 04: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Aruba, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius en Saba, Brazil, Cayman Islands, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Curacao, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, French Guiana, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Montserrat, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Saint Kitts And Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Martin, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sint Maarten, South Africa, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, Uruguay, Venezuela, Virgin Islands, British, Virgin Islands, U.S.
Zone 05: Afghanistan, American Samoa, Angola, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Congo, The Democratic Republic of the, Cook Islands, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, French Polynesia, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Guam, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Iraq, Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Micronesia, Mongolia, Mozambique, Namibia, Nauru, New Caledonia, Niger, Nigeria, Niue Islands, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Reunion, Ruanda, Saipan (Northern Mariana Islands), Samoa, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Tonga, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Zone 06: China
Zone 07: USA
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Zone 09b: Andorra
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Zone 11: Gibraltar, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Turkey
Zone 11b: Switzerland
Zone 12: Croatia
Zone 12b: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia
Zone 13: Italy, Vatican City
Zone 14: Poland
to 1,00 kg
to 3,00 kg
to 5,00 kg
to 10,00 kg
to 15,00 kg
to 20,00 kg
to 25,00 kg
to 30,00 kg
70,01 kg - 100,00 kg
from 100,00 kg
Zone 03b
to 1,00 kg45,90 €
to 3,00 kg51,80 €
to 5,00 kg58,50 €
to 10,00 kg78,10 €
to 15,00 kg101,90 €
to 20,00 kg125,70 €
to 25,00 kg152,40 €
to 30,00 kg179,00 €
Zone 13b
70,01 kg - 100 kg3,00 € / kg
from 100,00 kg 2,20 € / kg
Zone 03b: United Kingdom
Zone 13b: United Kingdom
DHL-Express worldwide
fixed rate
30,01 kg - 70,01 kg
70,01 kg - 300,01 kg
from 300,01 kg
Zone 03b
fixed rate179,00 €
30,01 kg - 70 kg6,00 € / kg
70,01 kg - 300 kg6,90 € / kg
from 300,01 kg 7,60 € / kg
Zone 03b: United Kingdom


Bulky Goods Surcharge

For items that need to be shipped in oversized cartons (longer than 120 cm), it is important to note that due to their volume and/or weight, shipping and handling costs are increased by DHL and DHL Express. Therefore, we charge a bulky goods surcharge in addition to the shipping costs, to the amount of the stated price, which includes the delivery to the first lockable door. This surcharge will be charged once, regardless of the quantity of items ordered, and will be listed separately in the order summary. Affected products are marked considering this circumstances.

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DHL-Express: € 80.00