Products from Meris - Effects Pedals
Meris are a Boutique Pro Audio Processors design and manufacturing company based in Los Angeles. With a focus on high-end electronics, Meris do effects designs in formats both for studio and pedalboards that are usable for all kinds of instruments. Because this is what they’ve been dreaming of. They live for the vast and unlimited world of music. Meris are: founder/hardware engineer Terry Burton with his wife and creative director Jinna Burton, and DSP engineer Angelo Mazzacco. Following their ethos “More than logic, Uniting Art & Engineering”, they are crafting gear that drives musical Art with new sounds and sparks and a thrill in your heart … that’s why Meris exists.
21 products in category
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Meris 500 Series 440 Mic Preamp - Guitar Recording Preamp Product nr.: MR 500S 440 MIC PRE
Delivery time: 3 days **
Meris 500 Series Hedra - 3-Voice Studio Pitch Shifter Product nr.: MR 500S HEDRA
Delivery time: 3 days **
Meris 500 Series Mercury7 - Ambience Reverb Product nr.: MR 500S MERCURY 7
Delivery time: 3 days **
Meris 500 Series Ottobit - Bit Crusher / Sample Reduction / Step Sequencer Product nr.: MR 500S OTTOBIT
Delivery time: 3 days **
Meris Enzo - Multi-Voice Oscillator Synthesizer Product nr.: MR ENZO
Delivery time: 3 days **
Meris LVX 10th Anniversary (Limited Edition) - Modular Delay System / Looper Product nr.: MR LVX BK SE
Available in 3 weeks
Meris MercuryX 10th Anniversary (Limited Edition) - Modular Reverb System Product nr.: MR MERCURY X BK SE
Available in 3 weeks
Meris Ottobit Jr. - Bit Crusher / Sample Reduction / Step Sequencer Product nr.: MR OTTOBIT JR
Delivery time: 3 days **
Meris Alt Function Overlay - Mercury7 Product nr.: MR OVERLAY MERCURY 7
Delivery time: 3 days **
Meris Alt Function Overlay - Ottobit Jr. Product nr.: MR OVERLAY OTTOBIT
Delivery time: 3 days **
Meris Alt Function Overlay - Polymoon Product nr.: MR OVERLAY POLYMOON
Delivery time: 3 days **
Meris Polymoon - Super-Modulated Multiple Tap Delay Product nr.: MR POLYMOON
Delivery time: 3 days **