Products from Amptweaker - Effects Pedals
Amptweaker is really a quest to collaborate directly with musicians to help them find their tone. It started with James Brown, who had designed amps for Peavey® and Kustom® before, trying to find the tone in his head. In their family business, rather than building clones of everybody else’s products, James and Phyllis Brown build original high-quality products in Georgia, USA from the best parts available. Constantly finding new ways to solve the problems of musicians around the world, all original circuit designs are in some way based on ideas users sent in on the Amptweaker website. Hence, Amptweaker offers some of the most user-friendly and versatile effects pedals on the market. Be it multiple effects loops, integrated noise gates, internal tweaking controls, or other nifty features – Amptweaker not only offers THE tone but combines it with a host of options!